Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Game of Tolerance

please tell me that human interactions are more than just a simple game of tolerance! Let me clarify what I mean by 'human interactions', that just simply means that anyone and everyone that one interacts with during the course of his or her day; whether it be kin, friends, aquaintances, spouse, the person on the other side of the counter, etc...do we as humans just go about our days wondering how we are going to get through a conversation or interaction without saying completely out of line because you are thinking all the while that, 'this person is an idiot"!


Pickle said...

I have this problem all the time. Holding my tongue is harder than any exercise at the gym. Very deep Auntie.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

it is absolutely a game of tolerance. but what can you do. it's very hard to avoid them. and who's to say the next person isn't calling me an idiot and having to tolerate me hahaha.